Ação Solidária

Caraguá: Prefeitura renova colaboração com instituições sociais. Repasse será de R$ 7 milhões

Tamoios News

A Prefeitura de Caraguatatuba renovou termo de colaboração com oito instituições sociais sem fins lucrativos do município. Um investimento de quase R$ 7 milhões, para atender população de diferentes segmentos. A assinatura do termo ocorreu nesta terça-feira (19), na Secretaria dos Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência e do Idoso (Sepedi).

O aditamento de contrato beneficiará as seguintes instituições: Associação de Proteção e Assistência à Maternidade e à Infância no Período Neonatal (Apami), Casa Beija Flor, Centro de Recuperação Humana Renascer, Associação de Combate ao Câncer (ACC), Centro de Convivência da Terceira Idade (CCTI), Instituto Pró+Vida, Associação Lar São Francisco e Asilo Vila Vicentina.

O termo de colaboração vigora pelo período de um ano para que as instituições atendam crianças, adolescentes e famílias, idosos e população adulta em situação de rua, com atenção básica, média e de alta complexidade. Mais de duas mil pessoas serão beneficiadas.

O prefeito Aguilar Junior agradeceu às entidades pelo trabalho e dedicação com as famílias. “Obrigado por complementar o serviço do poder público, cuidando do cidadão e buscando o melhor a cada dia. Essa renovação é o reconhecimento do compromisso que vocês têm com os assistidos”, destacou o prefeito.

A cerimônia contou com a presença do presidente da Câmara de Caraguatatuba, Carlinhos da Farmácia e dos vereadores Tato Aguilar e De Paula, além dos secretários de Desenvolvimento Social e Cidadania, Jonas Fontes e da Sepedi, Léo Macedo; da presidente do Fundo Social, Samara Aguilar; da presidente do Conselho Municipal de Assistência Social, Alcione Vitório e representantes das entidades beneficiadas.

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  • California native emcees Okatane and Pricetag exploded onto the tunes scene and within the ipods of myriad of kids in 2009 as the rap duo known as Audio Push.
    Bringing their skinny jeans and a new dance
    known as “Jerkin”. Their hit single “Teach me how to jerk” taught
    the new “Jerkin” craze sweeping through out the west
    coast which contains moving your legs in and out called the
    “jerk” and combining it with other basic moves such as “reject”, “dip”, and “pindrop”.

    Zane: It is really fantastic. In Chicago right here, this area is a lot of
    young somebody. In each spot we have been hitting when using this
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    word, yet it is been nice playing for individuals
    who are generally in our age opportunity.

    Reeve: In my experience I thought it would one day be most
    things that obsessive fans one day, like utilizing Beatles Give it
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    like. I don’t think a person that listens to 918kiss member login will definitely want to listen to a two minute
    intro to “Testify”. I personally thought features a choice not
    location it on the website because each night it is improvised a lot it is generally different every day.

    Zane: Is usually cool because being engaged in “Spider-Man: Pull the plug on the Dark” is a double power.
    We get to work with Bono and The Edge, creating music and performing it, but what’s more,
    it benefits Carney by allowing people to ascertain who all
    of us. Julie Taymor actually came to at least of our gigs in New York recently and came up after, .
    i was actually on voice rest so i couldn’t really talk to her.
    She was contacting me saying, ‘What had you been guys doing with those songs?
    You wrote songs on stage improvising, home furniture work that
    into the show,’ in order to are really bringing the Carney flavor into the Spider-Man musical technology.

    It is a vehicle to get us out as highly.

    Paddy’s Pub- $100-dollar give-aways every hour on the
    hour, Irish dancers, tradition Irish breakfast, live pop.you couldn’t ask
    for additional. Open at 6 a good.m.

    Jeff – I call it Hip-Pop. It really is has Hip-Hop elements but never leaves the Pop realm.
    It’s definitely mainstream music. Is actually possible to
    stuff might be close to radio house had the ability to have got the right team behind
    use. It is Top-40 music that crosses all boundaries and genres and
    hopefully everybody will think its great of almost any age.

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